Caring for the carers
Anneliese Spiteri-Staines | November 9, 2023National Carers Week is a time we acknowledge the important but often unobserved, unpaid work of care done by 2.65 million Australians who provide support to family members or friends.
The end of antibiotics
Allen Cheng | November 9, 2023Antibiotics have saved countless lives over the last hundred years, but a lack of development and their overuse in both human medicine and agriculture means their effectiveness is waning fast.
Zero stars for the food industry
Open Forum | November 2, 2023Australia’s food industry is failing to meet already low targets for displaying the Health Star Rating (HSR) on product packaging by a significant margin, according to the 2023 State of the Food Supply Report released by The George Institute for Global Health.
Infertility in an over-populated world
Moira O'Bryan | October 18, 2023Infertility now affects around one in every six couples of reproductive age around the world and a global team of experts has now made ten crucial recommendations to urgently tackle the worldwide decline in male fertility.
Would you want to know you’ll get dementia?
Open Forum | September 29, 2023A simple, cheap and non-invasive blood test could help predict a person’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease up to 20 years before symptoms show, although the blight that might cast over their lives means it might not be news people want to know.
Higher fees could reduce tobacco outlets
Open Forum | September 28, 2023Significantly increasing the licensing fees for tobacco retailers is an effective way to reduce the number of shops selling tobacco and should be considered again, according to Australian researchers.
Quacks, cures and curiousities
Alan Stevenson | September 17, 2023Throughout human history, various methods have been used to determine the health of an individual and cure them of ills, and even the invention of modern evidence based medicine hasn’t affected the popularity of some ‘alternative’ treatments.
Australia’s dead beat diet
Open Forum | September 13, 2023Although Australia is ripe with golden soil and premium produce the nation is failing to embrace a balanced diet, with the national diet score falling well below a healthy level.
Understanding MyMedicare
Anthony Scott | September 10, 2023MyMedicare is a new voluntary scheme that allows patients to register with their usual GP, in an attempt to improve continuity of care and health outcomes.
Tackling regional nurse shortages
Open Forum | September 6, 2023A University of South Australia study has shortlisted a range of strategies to tackle the chronic shortage of nurses in Australia’s regions.
Facing up to fentanyl
Suzanne Nielsen | September 4, 2023Opioid addition remains a major health crisis in the USA, and Australia should guard against a similar disaster happening here.
Love your heart
Open Forum | August 29, 2023International research suggests that half of all heart conditions are caused or exacerbated by five lifestyle risk factors – such as smoking or being overweight – which people can tackle to improve their health.