• The rise and fall of the liberal international order

    Allan Gyngell     |      July 24, 2018

    The broad shape of the international order after the Second World War was that of a liberal internationalist system that would embrace collective security, economic openness and social progress. The central tenets of that liberal order are now all in doubt.

  • China’s Uyghurs face an Orwellian future

    Connor Dilleen     |      July 19, 2018

    China’s mistreatment of its Uyghur minority in the Xinjiang autonomous region has garnered increased attention in recent months, due to Beijing’s policy of mass arbitrary detention of Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities in ‘political re-education centres’.

  • The widening gap between ethics and international relations

    Mike Scrafton     |      July 11, 2018

    In 1918 prominent American philosopher James H. Tufts asked, ‘Is there, can there be, any ethics of international relations?’ In the turbulent century since, that question has inspired many attempts at an answer and contemporary events press the issue again.