It’s time to step back from privacy paranoia
Alan Stevenson | October 27, 2018Alan Stevenson argues that individuals’ concern about privacy protection is hampering the benefits which more digital services, such as the new MyHealth record, can bring to the whole of society.
Hard times in Australian strategic thinking
Rod Lyon | October 20, 2018A stronger defence force is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for achieving the sort of world that Australia want. Partnerships have also been central to our strategic success, and will remain so, but they must be partnerships we have chosen of our own free will.
Australia needs a clear national security strategy
Jim Molan | October 14, 2018Australia needs to move towards a holistic security strategy directed much more specifically by government. And this must start with an acknowledgement of the principal threats to Australia in a changing strategic environment.
Australia should double its defence budget
Richard Menhinick | October 13, 2018Despite the Coalition’s modernising programs and extra money currently allocated to building new ships, we need a navy and a defence budget commensurate with a worsening strategic situation.
Why we need a radically new defence policy
Paul Dibb | October 10, 2018Australia’s international security outlook is starting to look very unpredictable and potentially threatening. Australian defence planners must now deal with a world which is very different from any they have known before.
Rethinking Australia’s biosecurity
Paul Barnes | October 4, 2018Deliberate or accidental biosecurity breaches, such as last month’s strawberry contamination scare, present very real economic threats to Australia.
Hacking for ca$h
Fergus Hanson | September 29, 2018It’s time we named China as a perpetrator of commercial cyber espionage and work in coalition with other states to escalate pressure until the Chinese leadership decides the costs are too high for it to keep orchestrating the theft of intellectual property.
Winning battles and losing wars: the next force structure review
Bob Moyse | September 24, 2018The strategic question for the next force structure review is, should we care more about whether we can win on a single landmass or whether we can win across an archipelago? Or to recast the question, where can we least afford to lose?
The mangled myths dogging the joint strike fighter
Brendan Nicholson | September 20, 2018With the RAAF’s first two operational joint strike fighters arriving in early December, long-time critics have launched a fresh wave of claims that the aircraft is a disaster, but are any of these assertions actually true?
Combating the perfect weapon
Stephen Loosley | September 19, 2018The new cold war is being fought in cyberspace on a continuing basis and with ever more sophisticated technologies as the Western powers confront growing intrusions from adversaries ranging from Russia and China to Iran and North Korea.
The terror in a label
Mike Scrafton | September 12, 2018While the west continues to tackle terrorism abroad and within its own borders, authoritarian and dictatorial regimes are also terming their opponents ‘terrorists’ to justify their own acts of persecution, ethnic cleansing and state-sponsored violence.
Knights in shining armour: AFVs in the Australian Army
Jim Molan | September 1, 2018The Australian army has always been curiously reluctant to commit tanks and armoured vehicles to the battlefield, but far from being obsolete, armour continues to play a vital role in modern counter-insurgency and warfare.