On military service
Tom McDermott | February 8, 2025Military service has developed a checkered reputation in modern society, but it can still develop the values of humanity, empathy and compassion rather than degrading them.
Silence isn’t golden
Justin Bassi | February 4, 2025The Federal Government’s habit of evading, ignoring or downplaying security threats undermines public trust, encourages conspiracy theories and emboldens our enemies.
Naming names
James Corera | January 28, 2025The government has released its first report on foreign interference in Australian affairs but remains curiously reluctant to name the countries involved.
Safeguarding Australia
Joseph Zeller | January 21, 2025The government’s failure to address critical vulnerabilities in defence, energy security, and economic resilience exposes the nation to unprecedented risks.
Bambi meets Godzilla
Bill Sweetman | January 2, 2025China’s unveiling of radical prototype aircraft has sent shockwaves through the West’s defence establishment, as China now threatens to out-innovate as well as out-produced its democratic counterparts in terms of military might.
Crisis of confidence
Elizabeth Buchanan | December 20, 2024We ask more and more of our army and, rightly or not, lash it when it stumbles, but it has overcorrected on its course correction following the Brereton inquiry.
Tomorrow’s Army today
Marcus Schultz | December 9, 2024The head of Australia’s army, Lieutenant General Simon Stuart, has laid out his vision for a more effective and accountable service.
The A2Z of ANZ
Joanne Wallis | December 5, 2024Australia and New Zealand engage in wide-ranging daily cooperation, but seldom refer to the alliance between them. Has the alliance become irrelevant? Or is it so taken-for-granted, and the habits of cooperation so entrenched, that it is seen as unnecessary to emphasise it?
Australia needs a coastguard
Jennifer Parker | December 3, 2024A new maritime service with smaller, cheaper craft could boost Australia’s maritime security at a time when it’s under more threat than ever.
The moral shock of war
Michael Pezzullo | October 27, 2024Going to war is an uneasy and difficult compromise for democratic nations, forcing us to balance our love of peace and our conscience against the risk of being coerced and subjugated by authoritarian aggressors.
Australia needs a coast guard
Nell Bennett | October 3, 2024Australia should establish a coast guard to counter China’s use of grey zone tactics in expanding its territorial claims in the South China Sea.
Improving state cooperation on security threats
John Coyne | October 1, 2024Cooperation between federal and subnational Australian governments on national security must continue to evolve in the face of the complex terrorism, espionage and foreign interference threats.