Our ‘liveable’ cities need a visionary response to rapid growth
Chris Chesterfield | April 8, 2018Australia is now undergoing its third great wave of population growth, putting pressure on infrastructure, services and the environment. A similar third wave of planning and investment in open space and green infrastructure is therefore now needed to underpin liveability as our cities grow.
Tracking down London’s thylacines
Penny Edmonds | April 7, 2018The Tasmanian Tiger is one of 30 mammals that have been lost in Australia since European settlement and we still have the worst mammal extinction rate in the world. Thinking through the meanings and politics of the loss of the thylacine is crucially important to protecting the environnment today.
How tree bonds can protect our vital street trees
Joe Hurley | April 3, 2018Urban trees improve our quality of life, natural environment and boost house prices. Trees need our protection and tree bonds can encourage developers and owners to value and protect the trees around our homes.
Amazon deforestation nears fatal tipping point
Thomas Lovejoy | April 2, 2018Deforestation of the Amazon is about to reach a threshold beyond which the region’s tropical rainforest may undergo irreversible changes that transform the landscape into degraded savanna with sparse shrubby plant cover and low biodiversity.
Land degradation threatens nature – and humanity
Open Forum | March 29, 2018Worsening land degradation caused by human activities is undermining the well-being of two fifths of humanity, driving species extinctions and intensifying climate change. It is also a major contributor to mass human migration and increased conflict, according to the world’s first comprehensive evidence-based assessment of land degradation and restoration.
Protected reefs help shark numbers recover
Emma Chadwick | March 28, 2018While shark populations around the world are in decline, ground-breaking research has revealed why reef shark numbers are returning to a coral reef off Australia.
Will Queensland’s new land clearing bill save the state’s trees?
Anita Cosgrove | March 22, 2018Will new legislation in Queensland slow rampant land clearing or will farmers and landowners continue to ignore the law or exploit loopholes to raze more of Australia’s fast disappearing forests?
Nine ways to fix Australia’s draft ‘strategy for nature’
Bek Christensen | March 18, 2018Despite its ‘green’ image, Australia has a woeful environmental record and the Federal Government’s draft conservation strategy will do little to protect our fragile natural environment. Australia’s Ecological Society offers 9 ways to improve the proposed policy before it is too late.
Yes, kangaroos are endangered – but not the species you think
Karl Vernes | March 17, 2018While our iconic large kangeroos are safe from extinction, many smaller and lesser known species are threatened by cats, foxes and mass scale habitat destruction.