• Under siege

    Geoff Heriot     |      May 15, 2024

    The growing cyber, foreign interference, and disinformation threat from hostile state and non-state actors motivates a call for Australia to use all tools of statecraft to help shape the information space.

  • The enemy within

    David Wroe     |      March 4, 2024

    Tucker Carlson’s lickspittle ‘interview’ with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin was yet another shot fired by Russia and his American apologists in the propaganda war against Ukraine and NATO, but what more can be done to counter the disinformation campaigns undermining Western democracies?

  • How they get you

    H. Colleen Sinclair     |      December 12, 2023

    Disinformation peddled by hostile foreign states, misinformation spread by ignorant individuals and scams perpetrated by con-artists abound on social media, so how can we protect ourselves – and our sanity – against them?

  • Weeding out disinformation

    Meg Tapia     |      December 6, 2023

    A recent OECD conference on the global challenge of online disinformation to the world’s democracies highlighted a number of strategies which Australia could adopt or consider.

  • Australia’s bid to curb online disinformation

    Fergus Ryan     |      September 13, 2023

    After years of laissez-faire policy making, the world’s biggest tech companies are finally becoming subject to more stringent regulation, and Australia’s attempts to encourage platforms to take more responsibility is a useful way forward.

  • Mapping the disinformation war

    Albert Zhang     |      April 13, 2022

    Aggressive, hostile nations such as Russia, China and Iran maintain huge disinformation campaigns designed to discredit the West and shift global opinion in their favour. A new ASPI website helps track these assaults on truth and democracy in real time.

  • Defunding the disinformation machine

    Daniel J. Rogers     |      April 13, 2022

    Peddling disinformation on behalf of hostile states or vested interests is a profitable business, so one of the most effective ways to slow its spread is to take away the advertising money unwittingly funding it.

  • Information, disinformation and democracy in a volatile world

    Geoff Heriot     |      March 31, 2022

    We need to focus on the hard business of cyber defence as well as long-term trust-building and real-time information interventions to counter the attacks of hostile states on our democracy.

  • Protecting ‘cognitive security’

    Pukhraj Singh     |      October 4, 2021

    Australia and other democratic nations must do more to protect their societies from foreign propaganda designed to foment conflict and conspiracies.

  • The case for a ‘disinformation CERN’

    Anastasia Kapetas     |      May 22, 2021

    The scale and reach of the disinformation problem is now so vast that only research cooperation across the democratic world can address the shared threat to our societies.

  • Disinformation threatens evidence-based policy making

    Gillian Savage     |      March 1, 2021

    The prime minister says the public service needs to focus on ‘getting the right data, the right evidence, and the right reporting’. More importantly, a reliable evidence base supports a sharper focus on long-term thinking and planning.

  • Countering China’s disinformation campaigns

    Yan Bennett     |      January 29, 2021

    China uses state-owned media outlets and social media to spread disinformation on Covid-19 and other current issues to discredit Western nations and it’s time for the free world to fight back.