• Knowing when to go

    Mark Kenny     |      August 28, 2023

    Just like pop and sports stars, most politicians cling to office long past their sell-by date, tarnishing their reputation in the process.

  • All political careers end in failure

    Ataus Samad     |      May 21, 2022

    The former British liberal leader Paddy Ashdown once observed that all political careers end in failure, and the high hopes of at least one Australian leader are about to be dashed, so how to leaders come to terms with the end of their ambitions?

  • Could politicians be prosecuted for mishandling COVID-19?

    Open Forum     |      February 5, 2021

    A physician and executive editor of the British Medical Journal believes that politicians should be held accountable and prosecuted for botched responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Voter trust in politicians hits a new low

    Michelle Grattan     |      December 11, 2019

    The Australian National University’s election study has underscored the woeful lack of trust voters have in the political system, and highlighted the role economic issues and Bill Shorten’s unpopularity played in the May poll outcome.