A view from the swamp
Max Thomas | February 3, 2024The federal government has rejected a proposed expansion of Port Hastings in Westernport, southeast of Melbourne, given its potential environmental impact, although the project was seen as vital to the development an offshore wind industry.
Restoring Parliament – Victoria’s forgotten integrity institution
William Partlett | October 27, 2022Three reforms can help to restore Victoria’s state Parliament to its position as the cornerstone integrity institution that both oversees the government and supports the Ombudsman and the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission.
Victoria won’t run out of power when Yallourn closes down
Peter Farley | March 22, 2021The chance of Victoria running out of power in the years to come is extremely small, despite the closing of significant coal fueled power stations.
Rating Victoria’s roadmap
Tony Blakely | September 15, 2020Epidemiologist Professor Tony Blakely gives Victoria’s Roadmap out of the COVID-19 restrictions 8 out of 10 – noting there may be scope for easing some restrictions sooner rather than later.