Our health report card is in — and here’s what we can learn
Open Forum | June 21, 2018Australia is generally a healthy nation but there are some key areas where we could do better, according to the latest report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
The First Pacific Connect Business Network Dialogue – Communiqué to key stakeholders
Open Forum | June 19, 2018The Communiqué from the initial Pacific Connect Business Network Dialogue, held in March in Port Moresby, has been released, outlining new projects in PNG based on blockchain and digital identity.
Pygmy perches once swam across arid Southern Australia
Open Forum | June 18, 2018Pygmy perches were, at some point in ancient history, able to swim east to west in freshwater in a area of central southern Australia which is now completely dry, suggesting rivers once flowed in areas of the country which are now completely arid.
Investing in coral reefs could protect global communities
Open Forum | June 17, 2018Coastal development and climate change are increasing the risk of flooding for communities across the globe. Unfortunately, the coral reefs which provide a first line of defense to countries around the world are being rapidly degraded.
Queensland cancer patients hit by out of pocket costs
Open Forum | June 12, 2018One quarter of Queenslanders diagnosed with cancer will pay upfront doctors’ fees of more than $20,000 in the first two years, according to a new study shining a light on out-of-pocket costs for survivors.
Prison job programs help ex-convicts stay out of trouble
Open Forum | June 9, 2018New research shows that vocation and education training in prison can play an important role in reducing rates of recidivism when offenders are released back into the community.
When should you get your flu shot?
Open Forum | June 7, 2018Research from the Kirby Institute at UNSW Sydney shows that due to waning in the effectiveness of the flu vaccine over time, getting the vaccine in June or July could be the best time for overall protection against the illness.
Walk faster – live longer
Open Forum | June 4, 2018Research led by the University of Sydney suggests that speeding up your walking pace could not only make you fitter, but actually extend your life.
Almost a third of Australian children suffer disadvantage
Open Forum | June 3, 2018Almost a third of Australian children experience some form of disadvantage that can have a lasting impact on their development, a new study of more than 5,000 children has found.
The underfunded fight against PNG’s hidden HIV epidemic
Open Forum | May 24, 2018Researchers from the Papua New Guinea Institute for Medical Research and UNSW’s Kirby Institute say better health services are required to tackle high rates of HIV, hepatitis and STIs among key populations in PNG.
Hypnosis offers help for chronic back pain suffers
Open Forum | May 19, 2018Chronic low-back pain is the leading cause of disability in Australia and drugs can be ineffective and cause problems of their own. New research suggests that hypnosis, combined with pain education, can help sufferers find relief.
‘Solar gardens’ could empower all Australians
Open Forum | May 18, 2018The Australian Renewable Energy Agency has announced funding for a feasibility study that could allow the third of Australians who rent, live in apartments or live in low income housing to access the benefits of rooftop solar energy.