• Disinformation and democratic resilience in Taiwan

    Sheryn Lee     |      May 23, 2023

    Taiwan’s robust democracy is underpinned by freedom of speech, press and association – liberties that China exploits to spread disinformation and try to convince Taiwanese citizens that the only way to avoid war is to support its plans to ‘peacefully’ unify Taiwan with mainland China.

  • Taiwan’s quest for legitimacy

    Tasha Wibawa     |      May 15, 2023

    Despite Communist China’s relentless economic, diplomatic and military battering, democratic Taiwan continues to win friends and protect its position through intelligent application of its soft power resources.

  • China’s war on history

    Guang Yang     |      May 7, 2023

    Fighting historical nihilism has been high on the list of Xi Jinping’s fight for regime security. As China reverts increasingly backwards into an era of thought control and totalitarian rule it is once again the people that suffer.

  • The power that Beijing can’t match

    Gary Rawnsley     |      May 1, 2023

    Taiwan is smaller and has less access to normal diplomatic avenues but does have one advantage over mainland China – its vibrant free society.

  • Taiwan’s reinvention of diplomacy

    Adnan Rasool     |      April 26, 2023

    The lack of official diplomatic allies isn’t stopping Taiwan from finding ways of winning friends and influencing people.

  • The West must unite to counter Beijing’s global ambitions

    Collins Chong Yew Keat     |      April 23, 2023

    The West’s long standing neglect of the Global South has seen Beijing seize its chance to extend its influence and power. Countermeasures by the West have been late in coming but are now more crucial than ever to maintain security uphold international law.

  • Tyranny, Tik-Tok and you

    Fergus Ryan     |      April 22, 2023

    Growing concern about the dangers of Tik-Tok should examine the ideological drivers of China’s underhand activities, rather than focus on technological fixes for one particular aspect of them.

  • Countering China’s coercive “diplomacy”

    Fergus Hunter     |      March 21, 2023

    Democratic governments must pursue a deterrence strategy that seeks to change the Chinese communist party’s approach to its coercive international tactics by reducing the perceived benefits and greatly increasing the costs.

  • A deep dive on China’s spy balloons

    Albert Zhang     |      February 22, 2023

    Beijing’s covert spy balloons are an example of the way the regime uses ostensibly civilian and scientific means to pursue its expansionist military ends.

  • Welcome to the danger zone

    John West     |      February 17, 2023

    In their book, Danger Zone: The Coming Conflict with China, Hal Brands and Michael Beckley argue that China is passing its economic peak but that this increases its temptation for aggression against its neighbours and the West.

  • The curious case of the Chinese spy balloon

    Alan Stevenson     |      February 14, 2023

    The incursion of a Chinese spy balloon into United States’ airspace, and revelations that this incident is by no means a one off, have dominated the headlines, so why is China still protesting its innocence in the affair?

  • Hong Kong’s walled garden

    Brendan Clift     |      February 10, 2023

    China’s tightening grip on Hong Kong may have fallen from the headlines, but the suffocating grip of the Chinese Communist Party increases every day.