Gut instincts
Lilly Matson | February 26, 2024A psychologist from UNSW Sydney explains what intuition is and how you can harness it to make better decisions.
The lonely generation
Open Forum | February 16, 2024Young adult Australians are more likely than their parents or grandparents to feel alone in the world, finds the annual HILDA survey, despite supposedly being more connected than ever before through their smartphones, chat apps and social media.
Love is a drug
Open Forum | January 15, 2024Researchers from the ANU, the University of Canberra and the University of South Australia have measured how a part of the brain puts our loved one on a pedestal in that first flush of romantic love.
The joy of being wrong
Daryl Van Tongeren | December 29, 2023When you limit yourself to only doing things the way you’ve always done them, you miss out on countless opportunities for growth, expansion and novelty – things that strike you with awe, fill you with wonder and make life worth living.
Work-life balance for older workers
Candice Harris | December 27, 2023There is no one-size-fits-all solution to work-life balance, especially for older workers, and a new survey from New Zealand offers insights which Australian workforce planners should take on board.
Getting through the holidays
Megan Flamer | December 26, 2023The holiday period over Christmas and New Year can be as busy as a working week, so here are a few tips to calm down, chill out and make the most of the downtime.
Bully for you
Open Forum | December 5, 2023In a unique case study, UniSA researchers have explored the lived experiences of a self-identified persistent bully – a voice that is scarce in literature – to gain a deeper understanding of the factors that may contribute to this anti-social aggressive behaviour.
Vale, Ted Hopkins
Max Thomas | November 23, 2023Open Forum regular Max Thomas bids farewell to a former Australian Rules team-mate who graced the field for Carlton before pursuing a varied career in business, publishing and writing. He also founded Champion Data, a pioneering AFL statistics platform which continues to thrive today.
Combating cyber-bullying
Open Forum | October 31, 2023University of South Australia researchers are helping parents protect children and teens from the effects of cyberbullying by encouraging social connection, healthy friendships and belonging.
We want to believe
Alan Stevenson | October 30, 2023Driving some of humanities greatest achievements and worst atrocities, belief is a genuinely curious and perplexing phenomenon, showing many different faces to the world.
Are friends electric?
Hamid Laga | October 30, 2023Technology firms have been insisting that virtual reality is the next big thing for a decade with little success, so could targeting the technology at lonely older people succeed where it has so conspicuously failed with gamers, workers and younger generations?
Rough and tumble
Emily Freeman | October 26, 2023Children – like the young of most mammals – like to play fight sometimes and rather than worrying, parents should let them enjoy it.