• Building community resilience

    Brian Robert Cook     |      January 19, 2024

    Australia’s disaster authorities need to rethink how they use warnings and other communications if they want to build more resilient communities.

  • Helping communities help themselves

    Rebecca McNaught     |      December 22, 2023

    Successive inquiries have shown we can’t rely solely on emergency services in large disasters, so communities must be empowered to help themselves and each other.

  • Australian network resilience

    Malcolm Davis     |      December 1, 2023

    There’s no perfect solution to ensure Australia’s resilience in the face of disruption and foreign threats, so the best approach is to embrace diversification and invest in the right combination of communications infrastructure from the ocean floor to the furthest satellite.

  • Australian food security

    Andrew Henderson     |      October 21, 2023

    Australia’s ability to produce it, process it and export it shouldn’t be taken for granted, nor should our ability to get what we want, when we want from a supermarket shelf.

  • Coordinating Australia’s emergency response

    Joe Buffone     |      October 2, 2023

    Australia’s frameworks for emergency response have tended to focus on intra-governmental planning and response, but the new National Coordination Mechanism also embraces the capabilities of the public, private and not-for-profit sectors.

  • A season in hell

    Hamish Clarke     |      September 19, 2023

    After wildfires and heavy smoke affected large swathes of the US and Europe in the northern summer, a new fire management framework can help Australia understand its risk as we move into the hotter months ourselves.

  • Communities are key in disaster resilience

    Guy Boekenstein     |      August 29, 2023

    The recent Hawaii wildfires highlighted the important role that local networks play in dealing with disasters, and Australia should build their capabilities into national disaster and emergency management policies and procedures.

  • Confronting China’s tech challenge

    Andrew Kennedy     |      August 13, 2023

    As China makes ever greater efforts to acquire advanced technology and other kinds of sensitive information through illicit means, other countries must become more capable of repelling them.

  • Prepared for the worst

    Gillian Savage     |      August 4, 2023

    After savage wildfires in Europe, the prospect of a long, hot summer in Australia increases the need for better preparation for bushfires and other natural disasters.

  • Defending Australia from disasters

    Roslyn Prinsley     |      June 7, 2023

    Despite increases in the direct and indirect economic impacts of natural disasters, federal and state investment in reducing the risk of disaster remain inadequate.

  • A flood of information

    Open Forum     |      May 7, 2023

    The experiences of people affected by the extreme floods in New South Wales and Queensland in 2022 are providing vital insights on preparedness, response and the early stages of recovery to help reduce future flood risk.

  • National resilience needs a system-wide approach

    Gillian Savage     |      April 19, 2023

    Until policymakers fully adopt a systems approach in their thinking and planning to improve national resilience we’ll continue to trade one priority for another.