Space precinct
Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan | December 1, 2024Nation states must revitalise existing measures and consider them in international space policy debates to solve the ongoing difficulties in framing new rules for space governance.
Sea from space
Open Forum | November 15, 2024Curtin University has joined forces with NASA, University of Miami, San José State University and the National Institute of Standards and Technology on a new-generation satellite mission to study the colour of the ocean from space, providing vital information about ocean health and its role in climate regulation.
Detecting drought from space
Open Forum | October 22, 2024Combining a number of observation techniques, including orbital observation, can help detect signs of drought in threatened habitats such as Brazil’s once verdant Amazon basin.
The Starship revolution
Malcolm Davis | October 20, 2024SpaceX took a big step towards full reusability of space launchers on 13 October, a step towards a transformation in accessing space far more cheaply and frequently with substantial payloads.
Under the ice
Open Forum | October 18, 2024Dusty ice exposed at the surface of Mars could provide the conditions necessary for the presence of photosynthetic life, according to a new modelling study
The rise of cube-sats
Mustafa Aksoy | October 3, 2024The swift progress and substantial investments already made in CubeSat missions could help make humans a multiplanetary species. But that journey will be a long one – and depends on the next generation of scientists to develop this dream.
The race back to the Moon
Jacco van Loon | June 19, 2024The booming space industry is fixed on the Moon as a destination and major nations cannot afford to miss this boat as the space sector can boost whole economies.
Plenty of space for cubesats
Open Forum | June 17, 2024New Curtin University research could change how space missions are conducted and lead to improvements in industries as diverse as environmental management, agriculture, disaster management and infrastructure inspection.
I’m not saying it’s aliens…
Simon Goodwin | May 26, 2024A team of astronomers have poured through recent astronomical survey data to identify seven candidates for alien megastructures, known as Dyson spheres, “deserving of further analysis”.
From Sydney to the stars
Ching Wei Sooi | May 1, 2024According to a recent survey, the Australian public lacks awareness of global space activities and domestic space endeavours, so, what is Australia is up to in space?
The search for extra-solar oceans
David Rothery | April 11, 2024There may be oceans inside dwarf planets beyond the orbit of Pluto, just as there are inside several Jovian and Saturnian moons.
Voyage to Europa
Lucinda King | April 8, 2024If life has developed independently in the vast oceans of Jupiter’s moon Europa, it’s likely the whole universe is teeming with life, so the scientific search is intensifying and a space probe sent to collect dust around Jupiter might even find it.