• A bridge too far?

    Lihai Zhang     |      October 22, 2018

    Cutting-edge technologies are being used to modernise the infrastructure and improve the safety of Australian bridges, helping to create a sustainable transport system for its fast growing population.

  • Why trackless trams are ready to replace light rail

    Peter Newman     |      October 2, 2018

    “Trackless trams”, based on technology created in Europe and China, take innovations from high-speed rail and put them in a bus to offer urban transport at a fraction of the cost of light rail.

  • Automated vehicles may encourage a new breed of distracted drivers

    Michael Regan     |      September 30, 2018

    Humans are poor at remaining vigilant over time. That’s bad news for the safety of partially automated cars, which sometimes need the person behind the wheel to quickly take over control.

  • Why driverless vehicles should not be given unchecked access to our cities

    Derlie Mateo-Babiano     |      September 15, 2018

    Potential costs are rarely mentioned in the rhetoric about autonomous vehicles, much of which is highly optimistic, but universal or widespread access to the city by autonomous vehicles could result in detrimental health and environmental outcomes.

  • New fixes for old traffic problems

    Majid Sarvi     |      April 13, 2018

    Bringing transport systems into the 21st century means connecting all elements of the network – from the vehicles to the traffic lights, and even the pavements. To really create a safer, cleaner, smarter transport future we need to look at the network as a whole.