• Can you afford to travel to work?

    Katie Miller     |      April 22, 2024

    With the cost of commuting rising and city design limitations becoming more apparent, exploring alternative work arrangements, such as flexible or remote work options, becomes increasingly crucial.

  • Eyes on the road

    Shannon Roberts     |      April 8, 2024

    A driver’s only job is to keep their eyes on the road and avoid accidents, but the fondness for screens in modern cars and our addiction to our smart phones means that more distracted drivers are having more accidents than ever.

  • Car wars

    Open Forum     |      March 29, 2024

    Medical pressure group Doctors for the Environment Australia (DEA) have called for the cross bench to reject the watered down and delayed fuel efficiency standard proposed by the Federal Government, and urged it to protect the health of Australians by requiring tougher vehicle fleet standards.

  • Scooter wars

    Clara Zwack     |      February 8, 2024

    E-scooters, like E-bikes, are now a common site in Australia’s cities, offering users a quick, cheap form of urban transport – and posing a menace to pedestrians, road users and the riders themselves.

  • Rush hour

    Ben Knight     |      January 26, 2024

    State governments could look to a new road pricing strategy to help ease traffic gridlock in our increasingly congested cities.

  • Road wars

    Milad Haghani     |      January 21, 2024

    After decades of decline, more people are dying on Australia’s roads as traffic congestion increases and more people speed, distract themselves with phones, ignore road rules and conventions and drive with alcohol or drugs in their system.

  • Safer cycling

    Open Forum     |      January 15, 2024

    Cycling deaths are slowly declining in Australia, but fatalities involving single riders and older people are on the rise.

  • Your fast car’s a slow coach

    Cecilia Duong     |      November 24, 2023

    Motorists are endlessly lectured about the need to slow down, but most of us go below the speed limit because car manufacturers always calibrate speedometers to show less than the car’s real velocity.

  • Drive to survive

    Open Forum     |      October 3, 2023

    A New South Wales academic with expertise in flying and psychology wants to change the way young people learn to drive to reduce their disproportionate road toll of deaths, injuries and accidents.

  • Battery blues

    Max Thomas     |      July 18, 2023

    Electric vehicles are slowly becoming more common on the nation’s roads, but ideologically appealing developments can easily produce more intractable problems than the technologies they replace.

  • An accident waiting to happen

    Tony Jaques     |      June 28, 2023

    The poor design and cavalier operation of the Titan submersible made it an accident waiting to happen, and, as with so many previous disasters, warnings about the dangers were continually dismissed or ignored.

  • All at sea

    Ali Asgary     |      June 22, 2023

    The loss of the Titanic led to the creation of The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) which mandated a range of maritime safety measures and the loss of the Titan submersible may prompt a similar rethink of legislation.