The high rise future of city living
Ben Knight | February 29, 2020Internationally acclaimed architect, urban designer, UNSW alumna Zhizhe Yu explores a multi-planetary and people-centric approach to high-rise urbanism.
How far can you get in 30 minutes?
David Levinson | November 20, 2019How many opportunities you can reach depends on where you live and how you travel. A new report maps accessibility for our eight capital cities by car, public transport, cycling and walking.
A tale of ghost cities in Australia and China
Ben Knight | November 18, 2019While the ‘ghost cities’ in China are unlikely to occur in Australia, some worrying trends in this country should guard against complacency.
Floating cities – fact or fantasy?
Brydon Wang | June 11, 2019The concept of floating cities has long fascinated engineers and speculative authors, but will fantasy turn into reality to combat the ravages of sea level rises caused by climate change?
A new national urban management plan for resilient cities
Open Forum | April 2, 2019Researchers from The University of Queensland have helped to develop a four-point plan to create more sustainable, liveable, prosperous and resilient cities.
Air travel and urbanisation increase the risks of contagion
Open Forum | December 31, 2018Our cities are becoming denser, the global population is expanding and more people are travelling by air than ever – so what does this mean for the health security of Australians?
Remarkably adaptive: Australian cities in a time of growth
Open Forum | October 3, 2018Australia’s urban commuters have little to fear from population growth, if recent experience is any guide, according to a new Grattan Institute report.
Modernising the governance of Australian cities
Richard Tomlinson | September 28, 2018Australia needs innovative metropolitan governance for our cities in order to effectively tackle increasingly complex global issues – lessons that have already been learnt overseas.
Remembering the needs of elderly residents amid urban change
Open Forum | August 19, 2018The rapid development of many inner-suburbs in Australia’s state capitals may offer quick profits for property speculators and foreign property investors but can also prove unsettling for an area’s longest standing residents.
Melbourne falls to #2, but does it really matter?
Lucy Gunn | August 16, 2018Melbourne is no longer the world’s most ‘liveable’ city, but does that matter when the ranking isn’t a measure of the things most of us actually care about.
Keeping everyone moving up, down and across in the city
Andrea Connor | July 30, 2018Cities are growing vertically as well as horizontally and so their infrastructure must ensure people can move up and down as well as across to get where they need to be.