• The war on women

    Danielle Cave     |      April 27, 2024

    A spate of murderous attacks on women around Australia has heightened calls for the Australian government to establish a Royal Commission into gender-based violence.

  • Fighting crime in the Pacific

    Virginia Comolli     |      April 2, 2024

    Fighting transnational organised crime is critical to strengthening institutions in Pacific island countries and helping them build long-term sustainable prosperity.

  • Policing the internet

    Teagan Westendorf     |      June 18, 2021

    Efforts to police unlawful activity on the internet must tread a fine line between protecting the public from criminals and protecting civil liberties and personal privacy.

  • Australia needs a Magnitsky Act

    Teagan Westendorf     |      March 9, 2021

    The arrest of accused drug lord Tse Chi Lop and allegations of large-scale money laundering in Australian casinos have exposed to the public the deep economic connections transnational and organised crime syndicates have established here, and the scale of the threat we face.

  • Do tougher sentences deter crime?

    Ben Knight     |      July 20, 2020

    It’s easy to think that the threat of punishment will simply dissuade someone from doing the wrong thing. But it turns out that deterring would-be criminals by instilling doubt or fear of the consequences is more tale than truth. 

  • The tragic trajectory of ‘crossover kids’

    Rosemary Sheehan     |      December 17, 2019

    While youth crime is a steady topic of media and political debate, comparatively little attention is given to the backgrounds of maltreatment and adversity experienced by many children and young people caught up in these systems.

  • Uniting banks and regulators in the fight against financial crime

    John Coyne     |      September 22, 2019

    Financial institutions should be more proactive and transparent about information-sharing with law enforcement agencies to fight international fraud and money-laundering.

  • Organised crime is testing Australia’s onshore migration program

    John Coyne     |      September 2, 2019

    Operation Sovereign Borders has reduced the number of irregular migrants dying at sea and stemmed the flow of people-smuggling ventures to Australia. Unfortunately, this success has come at great cost to our nation’s finances, and possibly our humanity.

  • Corporates should have to play by the rules too

    Elise Bant     |      September 29, 2018

    Corporate indifference and disregard for the rule of law in Australia requires a firmer hand to remedy it and tougher penalties for transgressors.