A rock a day keeps the doctor away
Toby Walsh | May 29, 2024Google’s disastrous launch of AI overviews in its search results are damaging the tech giant’s reputation for providing reliable results.
Don’t Google it, mate
Erica Mealy | September 12, 2023Google’s new ‘privacy sandbox’ is actually a way to subvert Apple’s ban on third party cookies and track internet users around the web to sell their interests to advertisers, fortunately Firefox is having none of it.
Katharine Kemp | April 17, 2021The current review of the Federal Privacy Act could be the beginning of a process to obtain fairer privacy practices for consumers, but any reforms from this review will be a long time coming.
Will Google abandon Australia?
Fergus Hanson | February 13, 2021The Australian government’s plan to force Google to pay news organisations for content may see the online giant pull its search and advertising from Australian markets.
The gloves are off
Johan Lidberg | January 25, 2021The threats by Google and Facebook to withdraw services from Australia prove why a news media bargaining code is required.
What’s different about technology monopolies?
Richard Holden | October 26, 2020Google mops up around 92% of search-engine traffic and uses that data to target adverts at consumers. However, just because a tech company has a big share of the market doesn’t mean it has the power to keep it.
The USA v Google
Katharine Kemp | October 24, 2020The US Department of Justice claims Google is illegally monopolising the markets for online search and search advertising in the biggest monopoly case since the 1998 lawsuit against Microsoft, but the legal action may take several years to reach any conclusion.
ACCC turns its guns on the digital platforms
Caron Beaton-Wells | July 30, 2019While there are no quick fixes, the ACCC’s final report into digital platforms in Australia finds that powerful tech giants like Google and Facebook warrant close competition scrutiny.
Goodbye Google+, but what happens when online communities close down?
Stan Karanasios | April 5, 2019Google+ is the latest online community to shut down, forcing users to seek other options. So why are organisations pulling away from user-generated content such as reviews, comments and debates?