• Championing women’s rights in Afghanistan

    Susan Hutchinson     |      October 2, 2024

    Meryl Streep’s speech at the UN General Assembly about the myriad ways the Taliban is rolling back the rights of women in Afghanistan was a powerful reminder that Western withdrawal from the country shouldn’t mean we abandon its people.

  • Empowering Pacific women

    Mercy Masta     |      August 28, 2024

    The plight of women in the Pacific is well documented but a recent conference in the Pacific has made important forward strides.

  • Does the world care about women’s rights?

    Shivangi Seth     |      March 17, 2023

    Authoritarian regimes such as the Taliban, the Iranian state and the Myanmar junta simply don’t care about human rights frameworks, and the international community lacks any political will to take concrete action against such regimes’ violations.

  • Australia can hold nations to account on women’s rights

    Jacqui True     |      March 28, 2021

    International Women’s Day symbolises the ongoing journey towards eliminating all forms of discrimination against women and girls. But in celebrating the progress in women’s rights, we must recognise the institutions that have pushed for gender equality on an international scale.

  • Women are right to protest

    Alan Stevenson     |      March 19, 2021

    The upsurge of women coming out fighting on the issue of sexual harrassment at work should not come as a surprise.

  • Violence against women – What everyone needs to know

    Flavia Bellieni Zimmermann     |      March 17, 2021

    The 20th century saw unprecedented social changes which heightened women’s inclusion in public life. Jacqui True’s new book depicts the dark underbelly of gendered violence which continues to impact female emancipation.

  • Advancing women’s rights around the globe

    Sharman Stone     |      March 8, 2020

    In 2016, Sharman Stone decided not to recontest her seat in the federal parliament, preferring instead to work in new ways to advance the rights of women around the world.

  • An artful truth about gender bias: Lessons from the art market

    Renee Adams     |      April 23, 2018

    Is a woman’s brush stroke worth less than a man’s? Apparently so. Much less. The average price for paintings by female artists is 47.6% lower than the average price for paintings by men. The evidence is consistent with the idea that women’s art sells for less because it is made by women.

  • #OurTimeNow: Pacific feminists create new spaces to talk and to be heard

    Jane Alver     |      April 22, 2018

    Civil organisations and alliances play a crucial role in advocating for a more inclusive approach in policy making around the world. Initiatives such as the Pacific Feminist Forum have made a significant impact by enabling a wide range of voices to be heard.

  • Defence backs the U.N. women, peace and security agenda

    Marise Payne     |      March 8, 2018

    Australia’s first female Defence Minister, Marise Payne, underlines the role which Australia and the ADF play in supporting the U.N. Women, Peace and Security Agenda.

  • Women press for progress around the world

    Open Forum     |      March 8, 2018

    To mark International Women’s Day, and in the wake of the #metoo campaign, a new global study by Ipsos across 27 countries – “Global Misperceptions of Equality and the Need to Press for Progress” – highlights a range of equality issues, with sexual harassment topping the list.