NATO at 75
Robert Wihtol | July 4, 2024NATO’s visibility has waxed and waned, but Russia’s war of aggression on Ukraine has put the alliance firmly in the spotlight and may be its greatest challenge to date.
Party of one
Robert Wihtol | May 9, 2024China faces myriad challenges, from a sluggish economy, a huge property bubble and a demographic time bomb to deeply indebted local governments. But the fact that it is run by one man who is unwilling either to share power or to designate a successor may yet prove to be its biggest problem.
Putin’s wars
Robert Wihtol | July 5, 2023Vladimir Putin expected Ukraine to surrender without a fight, NATO to hesitate and Europe splinter. A new book traces the roots of his epic miscalculation and how his attempt to destroy the international rules based order has failed.
The sorry story of Russia
Robert Wihtol | March 30, 2023A new book places Putin is his historical context, noting that Russia has always been an imperialist, expansionist power, determined to conquer as much territory as its brutal, backward, authoritarian culture will allow.
Chip wars
Robert Wihtol | February 20, 2023A new book, “Chip War” is essential reading for anyone who would like to understand the importance of semi-conductor supplies in modern geopolitics.
Welcome to the danger zone
Robert Wihtol | January 23, 2023China appears to be on collision course with the West, given its aggressive rhetoric and actions, but conflict is not inevitable.
Dr. Evil
Robert Wihtol | October 6, 2022Russia had a chance to embrace freedom and peace after the collapse of communism, but KGB operative Vladimir Putin – now the longest serving Russian dictator since Stalin – has dedicated his life to restoring the iron fist of tyranny.
Sanctions busting
Robert Wihtol | August 15, 2022The West has a long history of imposing economic sanctions on aggressor states, and aggressor states have an equally long history of ignoring them completely.
Making Russia pay for Ukraine
Robert Wihtol | June 4, 2022Three months into its three day war, Russia still struggles to secure its grip on Eastern Ukraine, but the death and devastation it has brought to the country cannot be denied and must be paid for.
From Mao to now
Robert Wihtol | November 27, 2021David Shambaugh’s new book is essential reading for anyone interested in the power plays which shape the Chinese Communist party.
China crisis
Robert Wihtol | September 30, 2021Could Xi Jinping be toppled by a coup d’état? In China coup, Roger Garside describes precisely such a scenario.