• Moon river

    Andrew Dempster     |      October 29, 2020

    Researchers have long suspected there’s water – or ice, to be precise – on the Moon. New research now confirms it, and suggests it lurks in sun-starved nooks and crannies called ‘cold traps’.

  • Manufacturing initiative risks squandering Australia’s opportunity in space

    Malcolm Davis     |      October 28, 2020

    Although space technology is noted as a priority in the Government’s “modern manufacturing initiative”, an old fashioned approach to projects may not be enough to boost the growth in capability we need.

  • Ready for lift-off?

    Malcolm Davis     |      July 10, 2020

    The release last week of Australia’s defence strategic update, and its accompanying force structure plan, gives this nation the opportunity to align its defence space policy with that of the US.

  • Spy games in space

    Malcolm Davis     |      February 14, 2020

    Space is ‘contested, congested and competitive’ and superpower conflicts in orbit are intensifying, with Russian, Chinese and American craft trailing and even threatening each other.

  • $3 million boost to rocket fuel tank research

    Open Forum     |      February 13, 2020

    Research that could cut space travel cost by 25 per cent has received a $3 million boost from the Australian Government.

  • Can we stop the space arms race?

    Su-Yin Lew     |      January 26, 2020

    Laws and regulations covering outer space are mired in geopolitical gridlock and are failing to keep pace with burgeoning commercial and military developments.

  • Under the telescope

    Clare Kenyon     |      January 19, 2020

    The 2020s will see the use of increasingly complex technology on Earth and in space to ramp up our understanding of the Universe.

  • Australia needs a northern launch platform

    Malcolm Davis     |      December 22, 2019

    Australia is well placed to launch payloads into space from its far north, given its proximity to the equator, and a northern launch centre could help boost the nation’s space and technology industry.

  • We’re on the cusp of discovering alien life

    Cathal O'Connell     |      November 20, 2019

    The ancient question ‘Are we alone?’ has graduated from being a philosophical musing to a testable hypothesis. We should be prepared for an answer.

  • Will “Space 2.0” lead to conflict in orbit?

    Malcolm Davis     |      November 20, 2019

    The use of cube-sats and other low cost options in orbit could see a range of nation states expand their military options in orbit.

  • The future archaeology of space exploration

    Alice Gorman     |      November 20, 2019

    In a conversation recorded for a new series of podcasts, Alice Gorman discusses the past and future of space exploration, and how it might be regarded by those still living on Earth.

  • Wandering moons may shape distant solar systems

    Open Forum     |      November 20, 2019

    Australian and South American researchers suggest that wandering “ploonets” are unseen actors in distant solar systems.  These moons, once ejected from orbits around gas giant exoplanets, could explain several astronomical mysteries.