• AI apocalypse or overblown hype?

    Simon Coghlan     |      July 2, 2023

    Given the speed at which artificial intelligence (AI) is developing, it’s imperative we understand, and act on, the potential risks it may pose.

  • We need to talk

    Michelle Lazarus     |      June 30, 2023

    AI existence depends on humanity. We develop(ed) it, use it and evaluate its use, but humanity is beginning to question its relationship status with AI.

  • Professional ethics

    Simon Longstaff     |      June 8, 2023

    The PwC scandal should open a debate on the role and importance of ethics in Australia’s governments, public service and professions.

  • In search of ethical AI

    Dennis Hirsch     |      May 30, 2023

    The rush to deploy powerful new generative AI technologies, such as ChatGPT, has raised alarms about potential harm and misuse and the law’s glacial response to such threats has prompted demands that the companies developing these technologies implement AI “ethically” but what, exactly, does that mean?

  • The ethical new normal

    Hugh Breakey     |      December 30, 2021

    Our lives have changed in unprecedented ways over the last two years of pandemic restrictions, challenging us to think differently about the power of government, science and what we owe each other.

  • The ethics of AI

    Craig Donaldson     |      June 12, 2021

    While many organisations are implementing artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions, there are costs and risks that need to be carefully considered.

  • Education for global citizenship and sustainability

    Jason Beech     |      May 28, 2021

    The ethical decisions that we make in the next few years will be critical for the future of our species, our communities, and the ecosystems we inhabit. To successfully address the challenges we’re facing, we’ll need to collaborate both within our communities and on a global scale.

  • Ethics in business – A call for systems change and frameworks for wicked problems

    Sophie Mayo     |      July 7, 2020

    As Semester 1 of her Masters of Commerce draws to a close, GAP research assistant Sophie Mayo reflects on findings from her studies of Ethics in International Business, highlighting some of the moral challenges facing business and the role ethical frameworks can play in sparking systemic change.

  • Ethics are our best defence

    Simon Longstaff     |      August 7, 2019

    A strong, resilient society needs ethical, as well as physical and technical, infrastructure to resist the destabilising attacks of authoritarian regimes and terrorist movements.