• Hi five!

    Saima Ahmad     |      December 6, 2024

    ‘Ebullient leadership’ can lift your workers out of the doldrums and increase productivity by making the office a ‘fun’ place to work.

  • Stay humble

    Open Forum     |      May 31, 2024

    Leaders are often thought to be dominant, even bombastic figures, but a recent study by the University of South Australia has highlighted the benefits of a more humble style of leadership in the workplace.

  • Leadership in the Pacific

    Graeme Dobell     |      February 21, 2024

    The South Pacific has strong societies but weak states, and the social traditions which hold them together are beginning to shift and fade, underlining the importance of better Australian leadership in the region.

  • Zombies in the corner office

    Open Forum     |      February 14, 2024

    Outdated “zombie” perceptions of leadership persist across society despite being repeatedly debunked, University of Queensland research has found.

  • Democracy in the dock

    Colin Chapman     |      July 2, 2023

    By curious coincidence, three prominent leaders have been put on trial in recent days for multiple serious crimes against their respective nations. The very different ways in which the trials were conducted, their impact on democracy, and the public reactions deserve examination.

  • Women take the helm

    Sarah Tranum     |      December 14, 2022

    Girls outperformed boys in every subject in the recent HSC, but leadership positions are still dominated by men for a number of social and institutional reasons.

  • Are ethical leaders better at their job?

    Gamze Koseoglu     |      July 20, 2022

    Ruthless business leaders may not get the best results, as research suggests that more ethical leaders can give their teams the emotional confidence they need to maximise their creativity.

  • A lack of leaders in troubled times

    James Walter     |      May 11, 2022

    The world has seen the best and worst of political leadership in the shape of Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Vladimir Putin in recent months, and, on the evidence of the current election campaign, Australia’s leaders are pygmies by comparison.

  • Business leadership in the post-COVID world

    Victoria Tichá     |      April 8, 2022

    Is a new breed of CEO required to lead in a post-COVID world? Future CEOs will require extra skills to successfully manage themselves and their organisations, according to UNSW Business School’s Frederik Anseel.

  • New hub supports female leaders

    Belinda Henwood     |      December 7, 2021

    The Women’s Leadership Knowledge Hub provides access to training and research opportunities, and government and industry collaborations.

  • From Mao to now

    Robert Wihtol     |      November 27, 2021

    David Shambaugh’s new book is essential reading for anyone interested in the power plays which shape the Chinese Communist party.

  • Better leadership in hospitals can improve patient outcomes

    Craig Donaldson     |      November 13, 2021

    New research has found an improved approach to leadership coordination and communication in hospitals can improve patient outcomes.