• Asia’s demographic challenge

    ANU Editorial Board     |      July 4, 2023

    The ageing and shrinking of populations in many parts of East Asia will be a defining part of their economic and social development this century, just as the trade-fuelled economic boom was in the latter half of the previous one.

  • Democracy in the dock

    Colin Chapman     |      July 2, 2023

    By curious coincidence, three prominent leaders have been put on trial in recent days for multiple serious crimes against their respective nations. The very different ways in which the trials were conducted, their impact on democracy, and the public reactions deserve examination.

  • Putin’s thugs begin to turn on him

    Anna Matveeva     |      June 5, 2023

    Vladimir Putin has used Yevgeny Prigozhin’s Wagner mercenary group to do its dirty work in Ukraine, but is increasingly nervous about the threat such groups pose to the ruling elite.

  • The rise and fall of mass mountaineering

    Michal Apollo     |      May 30, 2023

    Experienced mountaineers are responding to the challenges of overcrowding, pollution and socio-cultural impacts caused by tourist climbers by calling for more responsible and sustainable mountaineering practices.

  • China in Latin America

    Valeriia Popova     |      May 19, 2023

    The threat of growing Chinese influence is not just a problem in the Pacific, as there is increasing Chinese economic and political infiltration in South America.

  • South Korea stands up to China

    Dominic Simonelli     |      May 13, 2023

    South Korea’s stout response to economic coercion from China offers an example the rest of Asia, and the wider world, can follow.

  • We will not be assimilated

    ANU Editorial Board     |      May 9, 2023

    Fatalism is always intellectually fashionable. Plenty of intellectuals said the Cold War was unwinnable and Russia would crush Ukraine. Similarly, those who believe Asia – and Australia – will inevitably be dominated by China are similarly mistaken.

  • Putin’s police state

    Stephen Hall     |      April 19, 2023

    Kremlin critic Vladimir Kara-Murza has been sentenced to 25 years in prison after the latest 1930s-style “show trial” in Putin’s ever-more Stalinist police state.

  • Planet debt

    Kate Bettes     |      April 11, 2023

    Inflation, war, recession and post-pandemic debt means the risk of nations defaulting on their debts is climbing the World Economic Forum’s watch list for 2023.

  • Power plays

    Colin Chapman     |      April 7, 2023

    The rhetoric from global leaders is moving the narrative of global war closer to reality and Xi Jinping’s visit to Russia hasn’t helped.

  • Standing up to Iran

    Ran Porat     |      April 2, 2023

    The Iranian regime remains as poisonous on the international scene as it is to its own people, and Australia must play its part in resisting Iran’s assault on humanity.

  • Does the world care about women’s rights?

    Shivangi Seth     |      March 17, 2023

    Authoritarian regimes such as the Taliban, the Iranian state and the Myanmar junta simply don’t care about human rights frameworks, and the international community lacks any political will to take concrete action against such regimes’ violations.