Celebrate your way

| December 31, 2015
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Whether you are having a picnic with your family, a barbeque with friends in the backyard or follow the Australian of the Year awards, Australia Day on 26 January is an occasion to come together to celebrate what’s great about Australia, to be proud of what we have achieved as a nation while not forgetting our shortcomings.

On Australia Day we think about the past, present and future of the country. It is a commemoration of the day that the First Fleet landed in Sydney Cove in 1788, as well as a celebration of all the achievements of our country.

For many this day is viewed with mixed feelings. It is referred to as ‘Invasion Day’ and is remembered for the sufferings it brought for the indigenous population of Australia. Today we therefore also acknowledge the contribution of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their culture.

What are you doing this Australia Day? For a list of community events, go to http://www.australiaday.org.au/events/