
| January 24, 2019

Newspapers and traditional journalism are one of the many industries ‘disrupted’ by the internet.  Many people piece together their view of the world from snippets from social media and personalise their ‘feeds’ to ensure their existing opinions are always reinforced rather than challenged.

‘Fake news’ and state sponsored disinformation is further eroding the common culture and acceptance of objective reality which political debate, and democracy itself, depend upon.

Experts are divided on whether these problems will self correct or continue to deteriorate.  Read these stories on Open Forum for more insight into these and related themes as we focus on the future of media.

Twitter and Facebook counter China’s information onslaught

Friends, Romans, fake news

‘Fake news’, the law and self-censorship in Southeast Asia

Journalism is in crisis but public funding could help

There’s no saving traditional news

ACCC turns its guns on the digital platforms

Fixing Facebook

Governments are making fake news a crime – but will it stifle free speech?

Who should review Australian press freedom?

Cash for clicks?

The problems of policing the post-Christchurch internet

Australia’s media should reflect its cultural diversity

Australians turn their back on the news

5 ways to improve election coverage

Rugby Australia vs Israel Folau

How fake news gets into our minds, and what you can do to resist it

Goodbye Google+, but what happens when online communities close down?

Media and broadcasting in the age of hate

How second hand social media profiling can target you

How ‘access journalism’ undermines real investigations




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