Global science leaders call for greater action on climate change

The Australian Academy of Science has joined Commonwealth of Nations science leaders from around the globe to call on the Commonwealth Heads of Government to use the best available science to guide action on climate change.
The call is part of a Consensus Statement on Climate Change launched by 22 national academies and societies of science from around the Commonwealth, ahead of next month’s CHOGM summit in the United Kingdom.
The consensus statement, which represents the consensus views of tens of thousands of scientists, marks the first time Commonwealth nations have come together to urge their Governments to take further action to achieve net-zero greenhouse gases emissions during the second half of the 21st Century.
Secretary of Science Policy at The Australian Academy of Science, Professor David Day, said the long-term goal of keeping the increase in average global temperature to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels, agreed to by 160 parties in the 2015 Paris Agreement, was only the first step in a long journey.
“Even if all the country commitments from the Paris Agreement are met, the best interpretation of the latest data shows that by the end of the century the global climate is likely to be 3°C above pre-industrial levels.
“This is substantially higher than the Paris target to limit warming to less than 2°C, and would have profound impacts affecting billions of people throughout the world,” Professor Day said.
Sustainability is one of the key themes to be discussed by Commonwealth leaders at the 2018 CHOGM summit, with a focus on the resilience of developing and vulnerable countries to climate change.
“Recognising different capacities, challenges and priorities, the approaches of each nation will not be the same. But, they must be informed by the best available scientific evidence, monitoring and evaluation,” Professor Day said.
“The Academy stands ready to assist the Australian Government, and indeed broader Commonwealth efforts, by continuing to provide sound scientific advice on issues relating to climate change.”
The Commonwealth Academies of Science Consensus Statement on Climate Change
The world’s climate is changing, and the impacts are already being observed. Changing agricultural conditions, ocean warming and acidification, rising sea levels, and increased frequency and intensity of many extreme weather events are impacting infrastructure, environmental assets and human health.
Impacts such as higher rainfall and increased plant growth will be beneficial in some cases.
However, others will be detrimental and felt more widely, changing ecosystems and weather patterns, and disrupting industries, economies, food supplies and livelihoods.
The consensus view of the global climate science community based on current evidence is that avoiding the worst impacts of climate change will require concerted global action to reduce atmospheric carbon.
A target to limit warming to below 2°C above pre-industrial levels was recognised by 160 nations that ratified the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change; a bold and vital step towards addressing climate change.
Meeting this target will require achieving net-zero global greenhouse gas emissions in the second half of the Century followed by active decarbonisation of the atmosphere.
Our work towards this objective has only just begun.
Even if all countries meet their current commitments to greenhouse gas emission reductions, a global temperature rise of more than 3°C above pre-industrial levels is projected by 2100 according to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Emissions Gap Report of 2017.
This would lead to profound impacts affecting billions of people throughout the world.
This challenge needs to be addressed now, and the efforts required will bring enduring social, environmental and economic benefits and opportunities.
Scientific research should continue to inform policy, actions and outcomes. Opportunities for synergies should be taken to address multiple challenges.
Through concerted action, the Commonwealth has the potential, and the responsibility, to help drive meaningful global efforts and outcomes that protect ourselves, our children and our planet.
The Commonwealth academies of science call upon Commonwealth Heads of Government to use the best possible scientific evidence to guide action on their 2030 commitments under the Paris accord, and to take further action to achieve net-zero greenhouse gases emissions during the second half of the 21st Century.
To meet their Paris targets, developed member countries of the Commonwealth will need to achieve netzero greenhouse gas emissions at or shortly after the middle of this Century. Developing country members may require a longer time frame, and additional support and capacity building.
A range of approaches including pre-emptive and responsive mitigation and adaptation will be required by Commonwealth Nations to achieve this objective.
Recognising different capacities, challenges and priorities, the approaches of each nation will not be the same. But, they must be informed by the best available scientific evidence, monitoring and evaluation.
The academies of the Commonwealth stand ready to assist by providing sound scientific advice on issues relating to climate change.

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