Good News TV takes the OZ SI Camp Changemaker Quiz

| March 5, 2010

Open Forum invited all of the Changemakers who have had their ideas selected as projects to be developed at the innaugrual Australian Social Innovation Camp, 5-7 March 2010, to join us for a quick Q&A. Sohail Dahdal, creator of Good News TV had this to say.  

Have you ever entered a contest like this before?

I’ve entered many contests, but not of this open nature involving many innovators willing to contribute for a good project/cause.
How much research did you do to find out if other people are already developing an idea like yours here or overseas?
I’ve done some research, mainly online. I actually found lots of projects trying to produce similar content but none had really good content or a community. They were using a top down approach/model. This means that the need is there but no one had yet created a usable/innovative response to that need.
Are you now combining efforts with anyone you’ve connected with through that research process? Tell us about it. 
Not yet, although I do hope to attract like minded networks and collaborate.

In less than 100 words, what is your idea?

The media is fixated with negative news, why? It’s because we tend to look at the bad and try to stop it, forgetting that it’s much more rewarding and worth while to look at the good and nurture it. Our aim’s to nurture goodness by encouraging the media to report on good news. How? We will recruit an army of volunteers that will troll the web for good/fun news, unsung heroes and positive stories then embed it on the good news site. By doing so we encourage positive media and at the same time we have engaging TV. 

Which individuals or organisations would you really love to see get behind your idea? 

I’d love to get a company like lonely planet involved, I used to work with them so I might contact them. Also a partnership with some health funds would be great.  

Are you working on this project as part of your job or in your own time? 

My own time, and part of my DCA (doctoral of creative arts).  

How do you first find out about OZ SI Camp? 


What stage do you expect this project to have reached 12months from now? 

Fully operational I hope, it’s not a hard project to do; the hard work is in building an active community.

In your wildest dreams, what would be the ultimate measure of success for this idea?  

1 million subscribers to the good news weekly digest, and 30 to 50 thousand active contributors.

What’s the worst that could go wrong?  

Not finding good news that is newsworthy. 

Was this a new idea you developed specifically for SI Camp, or did the call for submissions simply provide an opportunity to get some traction on an idea you’ve been trying to make happen for a while? 

Half half. The concept I had in my mind, SI Camp gave me a chance to put it on paper. 

Your definition of Social Innovation in one sentence… 

Ideas that are innovative in how they approach social issues and/or how they impact positive social change, innovation in technology would be a plus.

Name your favourite example of social innovation… 

Highlight the correct answer below. When it comes to technology I’m an:

a) luddite
b) know the basics
c) competent  
d) uber nerd
e) professional tech geek 
Somewhere between b & c! 

Will you report back after SI Camp and share your progress with us? 


Anything else you’d like to add before we finish? 

I’m happy to offer my expertise on other ideas, it would be great if I can help other projects become a reality.

Thanks Sohail, we look forward to watching some Good News TV soon!  

Sohail Dahdal is a filmmaker and new media artist with strong interest in social change. His credits include the award-winning online documentaries First Australians and Long Journey, Young Lives. His innovative work and passion for story over form has established him as a leading force in bridging the gap between emerging technologies and traditional media, creating internationally acclaimed durable projects. Sohail is currently doing a doctoral in creative arts at UTS.