Strata Laws consultation report released

NSW Fair Trading Minister Anthony Roberts has welcomed the release of the Global Access Partners’ (GAP) Strata Laws Online Consultation Report. Hosted on the Open Forum website for 11 weeks from 15 December to 29 February 2012, the consultation saw 1230 individual comments on four key questions and 25 blogs.
Overall, almost 600 suggestions for procedural change or law reform were put forward by participants who included strata owners, Executive Committee members, managing agents, tenants and other interested individuals and organisations.
The most cited issues concerned the procedures and standards of governance in strata, antisocial behaviour, pets, smoking and parking.
There were also calls for more effective enforcement of bylaws and improved dispute resolution mechanisms amid widespread dissatisfaction with the status quo. Potential measures to ease the process of urban renewal by addressing the requirements to dissolve existing strata were also discussed.
“The response was fantastic and the number of site visits and comments easily beat the previous record for a GAP consultation project,” Roberts said.
“The GAP report is an excellent resource and will be considered as part of the NSW Government’s review of strata and community title laws. The strong response to the forum demonstrates the high level of community interest in strata issues.”
Roberts said the Government was developing a discussion paper on strata and community title laws for release in mid-2012.
“When the Government releases the discussion paper, public comments and submissions will be invited to ensure everyone with an interest can have their say and contribute to the development of these laws,” he said.
Download the Strata Laws Online Consultation Report (pdf, 5MB).