Code of conduct to be developed for Cloud consumers

Industry will play a lead role in creating a Cloud Consumer Protocol which will give consumers straight forward and clear guidance on what to expect from cloud providers, according to a national strategy released on 29 May 2013 by the Minister for Broadband, Communications and Digital Economy).
The National Cloud Computing Strategy was launched by Minister Stephen Conroy at the CEBIT 2013 technology show in Sydney.
Developed by the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy (DBCDE) in partnership with National Standing Committee on Cloud Computing (NSCCC), the Australian Computer Society and other stakeholders, the Strategy will, amongst other things, see the development of a voluntary Cloud Consumer Protocol.
NSCCC deputy chair Lisa Middlebrook said the need for a Cloud Consumer Protocol was first recognised by the NSCCC, and was being developed by the Australian Computer Society in consultation with NSCCC members. A Cloud Consumer Protocol would encourage information disclosure by cloud providers to support and protect consumers of cloud services.
“The protocol will be developed by the end of 2013 with a review in 18 months’ time.
“The development of a Cloud Consumer Protocol will allow cloud providers to agree on a range of consumer focused measures, such as interoperability, ownership of data, as well as accurate and easy to-understand pricing.
“By developing this protocol we will ensure consumers are provided with objective information, to enable them to make better decisions about which cloud services meet their needs.
“It is great that government and industry are making a commitment to helping the not-for-profit sector to adopt cloud services. This is a sector which will see dramatic benefits from cloud services and everyone involved in the committee is working to ensure this happens,” Ms Middlebrook said.
As part of the strategy the DBCDE will continue working with the NSCCC to develop a cloud regulatory stock take by the end of 2013.
“The stock take will play a key part in determining how Cloud Computing shortcomings will be identified, the types of failure that will trigger a government response and the regulatory action which would be considered by government,” Ms Middlebrook said.
Download the National Cloud Computing Strategy.

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