• Resilience

    When life gives you lemons

    Open Forum |  February 12, 2025

    Scientists have found that taking a playful approach to life doesn’t mean you don’t take your situation seriously, but it can mean you cope with it better.

  • Environment

    More parks, please

    Open Forum |  February 12, 2025

    New research shows that three-quarters of Australians support the establishment of new national parks to protect natural and cultural values, and only 5% are opposed to establishing new parks.

  • Artificial Intelligence

    A small step for AI…

    Open Forum |  February 12, 2025

    Researchers have developed a new AI algorithm, called Torque Clustering, that is much closer to natural intelligence than current methods. It significantly improves how AI systems independently learn and uncover patterns in data, without human guidance.

Latest Story

  • Uncategorised

    1st National Pain Summit launched

    editor     |      March 11, 2010

    In Canberra on 10 March 2010 The Hon. Nicola Roxon MP declared the first National Pain Summit open, remarking that "Given the breadth and importance of the topic it may be odd to outsiders that such a conference on such a topic has not been held before – but you are breaking new ground, as indeed we are by showing the leadership needed to stabilise and secure health investments for the future". 

  • Uncategorised

    Congratulations Refugee Buddy

    editor     |      March 11, 2010

    Last weekend 5-7 March 2010 was the innaugral OZ SI Camp.  Congratulations to all the teams, with a special mention to the prize winners. In third place Emergent Reality’s initiative ISIS, or Interlocked Social Information Systems, from the collaboration that began as Citizen Driven Stats. In second place The 2 Bob’s Worth crew. And taking out first place was (drumroll) Refugee Buddy, sign up to be a buddy today at www.refugeebuddy.org

  • National Pain Summit

    Lesley Brydon     |      March 11, 2010

    Organiser Lesley Brydon reveals how the long road to the innaugrual  National Pain Summit began.

    The idea for a National Pain Summit emerged 16 months ago,  following recommendations made in the Access Economics Report The High Price of Pain, prepared for MBF Foundation in collaboration with the University of Sydney Pain Management Research Institute.

    We started with just that; an idea. No resources, no formal plan but we did have some seed money provided by MBF Foundation.

    To start the process we identified around 130 healthcare and consumer bodies, with an interest in pain. Associations that represent all primary health care providers, medical specialist bodies and colleges and the various not-for-profit bodies representing all chronic diseases where pain is a factor, as well as other consumer advocacy groups.

  • Walmart, Carbon, and Lessons for Woolworths

    Leighton Jenkins     |      March 11, 2010

    The recent announcement by Walmart to reduce its carbon footprint has thrown down the challenge to other global retailers such as the UK’s Tesco and Australia’s Woolworths. Until this announcement all three essentially had drawn an imaginary wall around their business and set targets that were, a) related to their direct property and operations, b) therefore under their direct control. A diagram from the Tesco site shows this quite clearly.

  • The Market Fever Index – issue 3

    patrickcallioni     |      March 7, 2010

    First, allow me to apologise for the delay in publishing this. I have been pondering comments I have received in response to previous blog entries and, in particular, to this comment:

  • Russell from Citizen Driven Stats takes the OZ SI Camp Changemaker Quiz

    Russell Kallaman     |      March 5, 2010

    Open Forum invited all of the Changemakers who have had their ideas selected as projects to be developed at the innaugrual Australian Social Innovation Camp, 5-7 March 2010, to join us for a quick Q&A. Russell Kallaman, co-creator of Citizen Driven Stats shares his answers here.  

    Have you ever entered a contest like this before?

    No. I am prepared to be astounded.

    How much research did you do to find out if other people are already developing an idea like yours here or overseas?

    The usual google search and a some chats with friendly people in the industry.

    I understand it was through that process you teamed up with the project’s co-creator. Tell us about it. 

  • Harriet from Citizen Driven Stats takes the OZ SI Camp Changemaker Quiz

    Harriet Wakelam     |      March 5, 2010

    Open Forum invited all of the Changemakers who have had their ideas selected as projects to be developed at the innaugrual Australian Social Innovation Camp, 5-7 March 2010, to join us for a quick Q&A. Harriet Wakelam, co-creator of Citizen Driven Stats had this to say.  

    Have you ever entered a contest like this before?

  • Good News TV takes the OZ SI Camp Changemaker Quiz

    Sohail Dahdal     |      March 5, 2010

    Open Forum invited all of the Changemakers who have had their ideas selected as projects to be developed at the innaugrual Australian Social Innovation Camp, 5-7 March 2010, to join us for a quick Q&A. Sohail Dahdal, creator of Good News TV had this to say.  

    Have you ever entered a contest like this before?

  • Refugee Buddy takes the OZ SI Camp Changemaker Quiz

    Joy Suliman     |      March 5, 2010

    Open Forum invited all of the Changemakers who have had their ideas selected as projects to be developed at the innaugrual Australian Social Innovation Camp, 5-7 March 2010, to join us for a quick Q&A.  Joy Suliman, creator of Refugee Buddy went first. Here’s what she told us.  

    Have you ever entered a contest like this before?

    I have developed community based projects before, but not using any this kind of structure or framework. I don’t really see it as a competition, but as a collaborative process with a range of people who I don’t really know very well yet. Submitting funding applications seem more like a competition to me, so it’s nice to be working on something that’s (at this point in any case) outside of that matrix.

    How much research did you do to find out if other people are already developing an idea like yours here or overseas?

  • The Right to Care that Works

    Jenni Beattie     |      March 4, 2010

    The Mental Health Services (TheMHS) Summer Forum this year brought together some complex themes of rights, services and evidenced based care.

  • Business input to privacy & security frameworks that deliver: RSA, End to End Trust & the remarks of Microsoft’s Scott Charney

    Malcolm Crompton     |      March 3, 2010

    In the last couple of blogs, "EC thinking on privacy definitely on the move…" and "Ahead of the Curve?…", I described renewed official interest in re-thinking privacy frameworks that have been around for some time. The re-think is becoming critical and unavoidable in light of the realities of the online world, new technologies and how people often want to use them.

    But business has not been idle either. This includes joint initiatives between officials and leading businesses with an interest in ‘finding a better way’.

  • An end to the killings in Juarez

    Rosarela Meza     |      February 28, 2010

    What is going on in Juarez City, Mexico?

    If you are shaking your head, you are in good company as not many Australians have even heard of the place. If you are a journalist then you may agree with some current affairs honchos, ‘nothing new.’

    It seems like the killings of women in a far off land needs a fresh angle. Put simply, Australian mainstream media is not interested despite the fact that the issue has not been covered for more than ten years. Yet, paradoxically, on the ground, many people do seem to want to know more. Women in particular here and around the world, are taking a good hard look at what is going on in Juarez City.