Losing weight is a science, keeping it off is psychology

| May 31, 2015

We all know that a healthy weight has lifelong benefits. Personal trainer John Carpenter says losing weight and maintaining it is simpler than you might think.

Combine the science of eating water rich foods with the psychology of choosing to eat appropriate foods, and you are on the road to maintaining your weight.

For many people, losing weight seems to be a life-long process. Dieting and following new fads on television and in magazines is a lifestyle for some people, rather than a short means-to-an-end. This is because many don’t understand the science behind losing weight.

Think of your body as a machine and the process of losing weight will become a lot easier to understand. It is a game of science and maths. In the end it’s simply energy consumption vs. energy expenditure. If we consume more energy than we expend, we put on weight. If we expend more energy than we consume, we lose weight. So we need to simply increase our energy expenditure through following a structured and consistent exercise program and never forgetting incidental exercise such as taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator, walking to the shops instead of driving and catching up with friends through a walk or game of tennis or swim at the beach instead of a coffee or meal will add up to a big total of energy expenditure at the end of the week.

Secondly, we need to eat smart, not eat less. This is the key to losing weight and keeping it off. It’s all in your head. Being motivated to stick to a healthy nutrition plan is what drives results. Eating low in calorie density foods that are rich in water, such as vegetables and fruit, promotes healthy weight loss and prevents chronic illnesses. It also helps people control their hunger. They’re eating more, but actually less in terms of calories. What they learn is to make appropriate food choices.

So really, by simply knowing and controlling what you put into your mouth and doing some exercise each week is going to make losing weight an achievable task. The science is expend more energy than you consume. The psychology is choosing to make smart food choices, exercising consistently and sticking to it. And that’s it! Combine the two rules and you’re set for lifelong results.