Educate for the sake of the future

| June 22, 2012

Ulrike Schuermann looks to the future and asks what do Australian children need and what can the public and the government do to help protect them and make their lives more secure?

Children are naturally vulnerable and most people wish to ensure they are protected and grow up to reach their full potential regardless of their background and circumstances. There are many individual issues that affect the quality of childhood. These include their health and  mental health, the provision of sufficient opportunities and the quality of their education to name just a few.

In addition, there is one overarching issue that affects all of us, a common denominator that has not found its way into policy and practice yet – the safety of our planet. Sustainable management of our resources is being discussed this week at the Rio + 20 summit and this is extremely timely. We have known about the negative environmental impact of large scale economic activity for at least four decades. The assumptions upon which we have based social service delivery to protect children have changed and will continue to change.

It is not as simple anymore but our children need to inherit a clean and safe environment as the minimum foundation to prosper.

What do we have to do to attain a sustainable lifestyle for our children? How will the effect of climate change influence the delivery of social services to children? What does climate change mean for the policy and practice of protecting children?

It does not mean business as usual because the answers to these questions will determine the quality of their lives in every respect. Social, environmental and economic wellbeing are interrelated and interdependent – therefore social investments are good for the planet.

In order to achieve rapid change we need an education system focused on fostering the skills, confidence & responsibility to develop ‘the future we want’ and need.

Instead of trying to deliver new results with old methods we should radically revise the way children learn and contribute to society. There is generally a huge gulf between what the system provides and the knowledge and skills children need. Innovative, independent initiatives – often under-resourced and privately funded – are stepping in to fill this void.  One small example is Memrise who are in their own words:” …obsessed with using brain science to help you learn faster”.

An education focused on positive change is key to addressing the complexities of an increasingly small and depleted world.

Bring it on!

Ulrike Schuermann is the CEO of Children’s Promise, a charity dedicated to mobilizing funds for Australian children charities. In her other live she is an experienced international consultant & social profit coach. Her main areas of interest are corporate social investments, social marketing, income development; sustainable development and business and human rights. She regularly facilitates workshops for social profit organisations and corporations and can be contacted at