• Society

    The rings of power

    Tim Harcourt |  July 27, 2024

    As Paris prepares to host the Olympic Games, the balance of hosting costs against commercial gain will determine whether it becomes an economic success.

  • Society

    Advocacy could awaken the Olympic spirit

    Emma Sherry |  July 27, 2024

    The Olympic Games has long prided itself on being a non-political event, aimed at uniting countries through the celebration of sport, but individuals have sometimes used this stage to adopt a more activist stance.

  • International

    Security at the Olympics

    Maria Alvanou |  July 27, 2024

    The recent attack on the French rail network highlights the terrorist threat to the Paris Olympics, and the French authorities are taking strong steps to prevent further disruption.

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    Only rich parents need apply

    Susan Merrell     |      November 2, 2008

    Autism Spectrum Disorder affects one in 160 children. There's no known cause and no known cure.  The good news: there is an effective therapy achieving remarkable results. It's backed by scientific evidence and it's available in Australia. The bad news:  it's expensive. Medical rebates will not cover it.

  • Accountability, partners in the value chain and trans border data flows: looking elsewhere

    Malcolm Crompton     |      November 2, 2008

    As information flows ever more easily between jurisdictions, how can effective regulatory protections be put in place for the stakeholders?

    This question applies equally to the protection of intellectual property (IP) as it does to the protection of personal information (PI) or any other valuable information assets held by an organisation.  It also applies equally to organisations in the private sector, be they banks or online retailers, as it does to government agencies, be they policing agencies or anything else in various services (Customs, Immigration, national security etc) or even hybrid processes such as the exchange of Passenger Name Records between airlines and authorities or fulfilling anti money laundering obligations.

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    Heights of Inspiration

    foggy     |      November 1, 2008

    If you, perchance,should zoom in on a night scenario, and see a beautiful cityscape clearly outlined in a night for celeberations and thus illumined;would you for a moment think such a sight was only possible if the air was clear?No mists, no inclement weather, no fog smogs!Naturally you would think so.if it were a night, […]

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    The Great Firewall of Australia

    Open Forum     |      October 30, 2008

    Chinese style internet censorship – coming soon to a computer near you.

  • Many Faces to the Housing Crisis

    Stan Small     |      October 30, 2008

    The Government should allocate more resources towards the provision of public and community housing as a matter of urgency. Unfortunately, that's a much harder sell to the electorate than the First Home Buyers Grant.

  • Uncategorised

    Lord’s Prayer a Non-Partisan Gesture: For Who ?

    sally.rose     |      October 29, 2008

    Continuing to open Parliament with the Lord's prayer is not helping us to achieve a more inclusive society.

  • Uncategorised

    What the Stimulus Package Means

    Fiona Ryan-Clark     |      October 28, 2008

    There are a number of more effective policy levers governments could use to boost the supply of housing of all types.

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    Toxic Personalities: Discovering their systems of power & shaping workplaces of respectful engagement

    mitchkusy_elizabethholloway     |      October 28, 2008

    Counterproductive work behaviors can debilitate an organisation’s productivity and seriously harm individual incentive, a new study reveals.

    By Mitch Kusy & Elizabeth Holloway

    "The day this person left our company is considered an annual holiday!"  This quote from our national research study on toxic personalities echoes the sentiment these individuals have on an organization’s culture and bottom line.  

  • Uncategorised

    Advance Australia, Yeah!

    JEQP     |      October 27, 2008

    A national anthem is supposed to be inspirational and aspirational, it’s not supposed to reflect the country we are but the country we want to be. 

    About a month ago Gregor Stronach had a bit of a whinge about the Australian National Anthem ("Advance Australia meh…"), and to make his point dissected the song using the time-honoured, if somewhat dishonest, method of taking words out of context and interpreting metaphors literally. The same method could be used against any piece of writing; applied against Stronach’s own piece one wouldn’t even make it past the title without noticing that "meh" isn’t a word and deploring him as an illiterate.

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    First Home Saver Accounts

    Wayne Swan     |      October 26, 2008

    The Government is investing around $1.2 billion over four years in the First Home Saver Account policy.

    First Home Saver Accounts will help bring the dream of home ownership closer to a reality for many thousands of young Australians.

    First Home Saver Accounts are the first of their kind in Australia and will provide a tax effective way for Australians to save for a first home to live in, through a combination of Government contributions and low taxes. For example, a couple each earning average incomes, both putting aside 10 per cent of their income into individual First Home Saver Accounts, would be able to save more than $88,000 after five years. The introduction of the Accounts will also help spark a new savings culture amongst young Australians.

  • The privacy conversation is not moving; The Identity Management debate is

    Malcolm Crompton     |      October 26, 2008

    What is happening in the global debate on how to make it safe for individuals to share personal information (or have it shared), otherwise known as "information privacy"?  What about a significant part of this discussion, developing identity management arrangements for the 21st century that respect the individual, otherwise known as "user centric identity management"?

  • Uncategorised

    House Price Gamblers Support Grant: Shockingly bad news for future generations and the economy

    daniel     |      October 22, 2008

    House price gambling must be allowed to fail now, or it will fail in a bigger way later.