Six ways to cut your hot water bill

Over the last couple of years, the topics regarding sustainability have experienced a major push into the mainstream. Still, this conversation was mostly focused on electrical energy and the impact fossil fuels have on the environment.
Water, which is the most important resource on the planet, usually takes a back seat. That is unfortunate since proper water management and preservation is not only incredibly important for the environment but it can also help you to drastically trim down your hot water bills.
Keeping in mind the various reports say Australia is currently going through a severe energy crisis that is something you should definitely put on your to-do list. So, let us take a look, then, at a couple of smart ways to reduce the cost of your hot water bill and cut this issue at its root.
Install low-flow utilities
By that, we primarily mean low-flow faucets and low-flow shower heads. Even though these upgrades may seem menial at first, they do have a very tangible real-life impact on water management. Data indicates that an average low-flow showerhead will annually save as much as 9,000 litres of water in a single household.
And keeping in mind the nature of this utility we can safely say these thousands of litres are hot water. So, you can only imagine just how much power that entails. All these perks come packed with performance that is not really compromised to the extent where it matters.
Wash clothes in cold water
This won’t be such a great compromise as it seems at first glance. Actually, hot water can damage a long list of fabrics and fade their colours. So, unless you are dealing with clothes that are really dirty or need to be sanitized, you can try putting the washing machine on the cold water hand wash settings more frequently.
Using the same settings for all types of fabrics you are going to put in also allows you more freedom in planning the washing frequency and making sure the tub is 100% utilized. If you want to push your energy efficiency efforts even further, do that on the right tariff.
Appropriate heater systems
The chances are your current water heater is simply not big enough to sustain the needs of your household. So, if you constantly need to reheat water, maybe it’s time to upsize the tank. Not that much because running out of hot water is incredibly annoying but rather that heaters consume more power when they are active.
Ideally, your new unit should be a more contemporary energy-efficient model. You can consult experienced hot water systems professionals with this one. Making them familiar with your unit from day one will also make future system maintenance much simpler.
Controlled load tariffs
This is not available everywhere – at the moment it can be used only by the residents of New South Wales and Queensland. But, if you are living in one of these two states, you will be glad to know that you can install your utilities on a separate electrical circuit with a separate electrical meter which, effectively, allows you to run these utilities on a cheaper tariff.
Still, this option comes with some restrictions – namely, the ‘controlled load1’ in NSW and ‘Tariff 31’ in QLD will allow you to use the heater only between 10 pm and 7 am. A well-sized tank should put this issue to rest.
Go solar
We know what you might be thinking right now – even though they are constantly evolving and becoming more available to average consumers, solar panels still represent a very hefty investment. While that is entirely true it is good to know that Australia really pushes the envelope in terms of distributed energy resources and the government incentives that make them more affordable.
These financial resources range from small-scale renewable option schemes, to state-issued rebates and feed-in tariffs. With so many options on the table, you can certainly find something for your household as well.
Curb water use
The low-flow showerheads we have mentioned in the first section are definitely one way to do it. But, the same results you get with such upgrades can be easily accomplished even with a couple of minor lifestyle changes. So, instead of turning your bathroom into a sauna each time you need to wash, try taking shorter, colder showers.
They will keep your tank filled and prove to be surprisingly good for your health. Also, you can simply keep more clothes in the shuffle and try to do laundry only when you run out of items. When put together these small efforts produce excellent long-term results.
Well, we hope these couple of mentions gave you a better idea about the steps you can take to keep your water consumption and associated electrical bill at the lowest possible level. Our world is making big steps in the sustainable direction.
As time goes by, a frugal mindset and energy-efficient lifestyles will no longer be an option but rather something we need to adapt to. Try to be ahead of the curve and start greening up your home by trimming down the hot water bills.
Derek Lotts is an experienced freelance writer and researcher. His main areas of interest are small business, home improvement, and sustainable living. He strongly believes in the power of sharing knowledge and ideas through the mediums of modern technology.