Refugee Week

| June 14, 2013

Thursday 20 June 2013 is World Refugee Day. Refugee Week is held from Sunday 16 June to Saturday 22 June 2013 throughout Australia. The organisers raise awareness about the issues refugees deal with and celebrate the positive impact refugees have on our society. The theme for this and next year is Restoring Hope.

An aspect of this theme is to help the wider community understand what refugees go through day by day. But it also promotes harmony and togetherness. It reminds us that despite our differences we are all part of the same human race. In that sense the theme aims to unite individuals, communities and organisations from many different backgrounds behind a common cause.

Refugee Week launches are held all over the country. The week is celebrated with community events, soccer tournaments, dance and music performances, breakfasts, youth forums and special citizenship ceremonies. This is an opportunity to experience and celebrate the rich diversity of refugee communities. The organisers of Refugee Week aim to provide an opportunity for asylum seekers and refugees to be seen, listened to and valued.