5 tips helping you to fulfil your KPIs in your job

| August 5, 2015

How can we become better as an organisation with what we’ve got? Business strategist Jürgen Schmechel says it’s worthwhile to change the perspective and look at the possibilities you already have in your job.

In each job and each organisation you are constantly measured by productivity, numbers and results – so called KPIs. An obvious avenue for a lot of managers is to seek help in budget cuts to fulfil these.

But instead of looking at cutting and slicing you could look at this from a completely different perspective and ask yourself the question: How can we become better with what we’ve got?

From my experience there are five scenarios where it is highly beneficial to invest time and energy. Let’s have a look at these scenarios and evaluate the business opportunity you can create in your job right now.

Scenario 1: Increase revenue

How can you increase your revenue whilst selling the same quantities of the same products or services as in the last twelve months? Through clever price changes.

I’m not talking about a simple 3% CPI increase over the whole spectrum of your products; I am talking about cleverly analysing your data. You will find opportunities where product prices have not been changed for some time or customers who are less price-sensitive. Then you create an extended impact analysis to show the potential and next you can increase your prices accordingly – cleverly minimising confrontations with your customers.

Scenario 2: Increase productivity

How can you increase your productivity or throughput with the same staff? Through clever automation and processes.

How is your quotation process? Do you have a quote-template that everyone is using? Or do your reps quote as they like and you need to rework their quotes to match specific criteria? A modern quote template does not need to be rigid and inflexible; on the contrary, it can be widely automated, thereby allowing your team a higher productivity.

Scenario 3: Data-analytics empowers decisions

How could you focus more on the high achieving products or services? Well, you need to cleverly access your data and analyse it so you can make informed changes and decisions.

The good old saying “The proof is in the pudding” is so very true for your data. You are sitting on a gold-mine, but you are not aware of it. If you want to see the 80:20 rule in action, make comparisons, and if you want to know the potential of your products and services you need to analyse your data further and from different angles.

Scenario 4: Objective measurement of productivity in your team

How can you encourage everyone in your team to be more productive? Allow your team to be measured through a simple tool, which is so easy to use that it does not interfere with their work.

Measuring productivity in a service team can be very difficult and time consuming. Usually the acceptance within the team is low and typical people would say: “She is doing all the easy jobs and therefore her numbers are higher, so you can’t compare us, because I am doing all the hard jobs.” Actually, you can compare these different workers when you are not just looking at the numbers but also at the complexity of their jobs.

Scenario 5: Gain a deeper understanding of your market

How could you gain more knowledge about your market and their purchasing behaviour? Again, through clever analytics of your data.

Building a highly automated process where you can analyse your data in different ways and have an automated dashboard at your fingertips is key to being able to successfully analyse your customers and your market. Does your reporting system give you the information that you need?

As you can see, instead of tending towards budget cuts, it is absolutely worthwhile to change the perspective and look at the opportunities and possibilities you have in your job. You can fulfil your KPIs by changing the productivity and results of your team, department or company, and let others worry about cutting and slicing.

At the end of the day you need to be aware of the following crucial questions:

Does your team know what to look for in their data?
Does your reporting system give you the information you need to make timely decisions?

I am more than happy to have a conversation with you, if one or more of the above scenarios ring true with you. Please give me a call to discuss – 0415 509 275



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