Cloud Computing Made Simple
Cloud computing has been a popular term for a year or two now, but many of us still don’t know what it is or its implications. To a degree, it is old wine in new bottles (hotmail has been around for over a decade now) but it is also so much more.
This has led to some pretty slick selling of the concept without being entirely straight forward as to the impact on the interests of all stakeholders. In an article titled “ Cloud Computing is a game-changer”, Peter Coffee is quoted as saying:
Malcolm Crompton is Managing Director of Information Integrity Solutions (IIS), a globally connected company that works with public sector and private sector organisations to help them build customer trust through respect for the customer and their personal information. He was also foundation President of the International Association of Privacy Professionals, Australia New Zealand,

Malcolm Crompton is the Founder and Lead Privacy Advisor of IIS Partners (IIS), a company that works with public and private sector organisations to build trust with customers through protecting their personal information.
February 3, 2010 at 4:55 pm
cloud computing
Thank you, read Michelle Dennedy’ s interview a good detailed overview. more such descriptions will be needed to recognise the cloud formation as changes set in with more advanced the moment i do not know where my spatial management ends and cloud computing begins.i think it would focus on what all actual individual or group needs were they(real stories cases, instances and examples please) that stimulated the concept of cloud computing in the first place.we will definitely understand better.