• Society

    The rings of power

    Tim Harcourt |  July 27, 2024

    As Paris prepares to host the Olympic Games, the balance of hosting costs against commercial gain will determine whether it becomes an economic success.

  • Society

    Advocacy could awaken the Olympic spirit

    Emma Sherry |  July 27, 2024

    The Olympic Games has long prided itself on being a non-political event, aimed at uniting countries through the celebration of sport, but individuals have sometimes used this stage to adopt a more activist stance.

  • International

    Security at the Olympics

    Maria Alvanou |  July 27, 2024

    The recent attack on the French rail network highlights the terrorist threat to the Paris Olympics, and the French authorities are taking strong steps to prevent further disruption.

Latest Story

  • The market fever index

    patrickcallioni     |      January 7, 2010
    In my forthcoming book, Waves of Change: Managing Global Trends in the Financial Services Industry, due out in May 2010, I suggest that it would be useful for investors, especially unsophisticated investors, to have access to a market fever index.
    My proposal is based on the same logic that underpins bushfire warnings: to let people know that while they are free to invest as they please, they ought to be aware of the risk that is inherent in the environment. It is almost impossible for retail investors to have any such awareness as things stand. I am hypothesising that a useful indicator of risk would be the number of items that appear on the World Wide Web that refer to activity in the global financial markets.

  • Sustaining Medicare: Everyone needs to be involved

    Just Stoelwinder     |      January 3, 2010

    This speech was presented by Prof Johannes Stoelwinder, Chair, Health Services Management, School of Public Health & Preventive Medicine, Monash University, at the the GAP/ACHR Congress on Australia’s Health on Monday, 30 November 2009.

    Is Medicare, as a publicly funded universal health scheme, sustainable over the next 20 plus years?

  • Happy New Year!!!

    sally.rose     |      December 23, 2009

    In a couple of hours I’ll be jumping on a plane for a month long holiday… hooray!

  • Health Reform Priorities from Victoria

    Fran Thorn     |      December 21, 2009

    I attend today on behalf of the Health Minister to provide some opening comments on national health reform.

    I want to commence by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we meet, the Koolan nation. I would also like to pay my respects to their elders past and present.

    The subject of health reform is one of undoubted national and state significance. Indeed this congress, including its location and the breadth and seniority of the attendance today bears testament to the importance being placed on it.

  • Climate change: a post-COP15 diagnosis

    Will Steffen     |      December 21, 2009

    Not surprisingly, interpretations of the outcome from COP15 range from an outstanding success to an utter disaster, and everything in between.  Political leaders claim a big step forward towards climate protection, while the vast majority of the NGOs who flocked to Copenhagen blast the outcome as, at best, a wasted opportunity.

    In many ways, views on the outcome of COP15 were strongly conditioned by expectations, especially for those who thought that the Copenhagen conference would ‘seal the deal’ for limiting anthropogenic climate change to a temperature rise of no more than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. But a comprehensive, final agreement was never really in the cards, even months before the meeting itself. The real question was whether COP15 would make enough progress to build unstoppable momentum towards a much tougher, legally binding agreement sometime in the next 6 to 12 months.

  • Reforming Health: What Australian Healthcare might look like in 2015

    Andrew Podger     |      December 21, 2009

    This speech was presented by Andrew Podger on 30 November 2009 at the GAP/ACHR Congress on Australia’s Health.

    Let me paint two scenarios, both positive, based on the Australian Government pursuing substantial elements of the National Health & Hospital Reform Commission’s NHRCC’s recommendations.

    2015 is only five years away, so we should not expect revolutionary change by then. But I am hopeful that sufficient action will have been taken to confirm the future direction of the Australian health system.

    I could of course be wrong.

  • Bedfellows or Combatants: the balance between innovating health technology and maximising the value of the health dollar

    Deborah Waterhouse     |      December 21, 2009

    My name is Deborah Waterhouse and I am the General Manager of Glaxosmithkline (GSK) Australasia. I would like to thank GAP for inviting me to speak today.

    The title I have chosen is Bedfellows or Combatants: the balance between innovating health technology and maximising the value of the health dollar.

  • Uncategorised

    Productivity Commission gets Web 2.0

    editor     |      December 20, 2009

    The Productivity Commision has entered the wonderful world of Gov 2.0 with the launch of a blog designed to gather feedback on the recently released Draft Report into Market Mechanisms for Recovering Water in the Murray-Darling Basin. Check it out at blog.pc.gov.au »»

  • Where does all the money go?

    Sara Hudson     |      December 20, 2009

    In the last 12 years, Commonwealth funding for Indigenous specific health programs has increased by 328% with no noticeable improvements in Indigenous health outcomes.

  • Uncategorised

    ALP Pollie blogs against Mandatory ISP filtering

    editor     |      December 20, 2009

    The Hon Penny Sharpe MLC, NSW Parliamentary Secretary for Transport, is urging all Australians who oppose mandatory internet filtering to contact both Senator Stephen Conroy and their local MP to make their views known. Read her blog, Why The Internet filter is not the solution we wish it was »»

  • Uncategorised

    Vlogs for Health Reform

    editor     |      December 20, 2009

    The team at yourhealth.gov.au have created a nifty video wall. Watch what patients and healthcare professionals are saying about the proposed National Health and Hospitals reform, or upload your own video here »»

  • The R18+ rating, internet censorship, and our local games industry

    Paul Callaghan     |      December 18, 2009

    The double whammy of policy announcements on clean-feed and classifications mean that it's been a big week for the Australian gaming industry.

    On December 15, 2009, the Attorney General’s office release their long delayed public consultation paper on introducing an R18+ rating for video games in Australia. Later that same day, Stephen Conroy finally released his office’s report on mandatory ISP level filtering. In combination, the flow-on effects from both of these policy developments has the potential for broad and unforeseen consequences on the future of our local game development community.