Speak your mind

| August 18, 2014
FODI 2014

For the 6th time the Sydney Opera House hosts a festival of ideas, conversation and debate. The Festival of Dangerous Ideas (FODI) is presented in association with St James Ethics Centre.

On the weekend of the 30th and 31st August 2014 speakers from around the world explore their sometimes controversial theories in thought provoking sessions. The Festival is part of the Ideas at the House program of the Sydney Opera House.

The topics covered in these talks and panel discussions are broad; they range from loneliness and masculinity over narcissism and complicity in modern slavery to the buying and selling of women and the return of the class system in Australia.

The aim of the organisers is for audiences to leave each session having experienced the excitement of dangerous ideas being brought to life and having heard arguments being debated that have made them look at things in a different light. Speakers this year include Bettina Arndt, Bob Carr, Tim Flannery, Malcolm Fraser, Mark Latham, Salman Rushdie and Stella Young, to name just a few.