• Culture

    The silent truth

    Roger Chao |  April 20, 2024

    Conflict has marred the whole of human history, but the hope for peace is everlasting in the human imagination. In a world riven by war from Ukraine to Israel, Yemen to Mayanmar, we should all remember our common humanity and the healing power of art.

  • Science and Technology

    Alien science

    Philip Almond |  April 20, 2024

    We no longer live in a universe that is seen as the product of the divine plenitude. Nor one in which our planet can be viewed as the centre of the universe. As a result, ironically, we have become aliens to ourselves: modern “alienation” is that sense of being lost and forsaken in the vast spaces of a godless universe.

  • Society

    More weird books, please!

    Emmett Stinson |  April 20, 2024

    Two new books by Australian authors, “Tell” by Jonathan Buckley and “It Lasts Forever and Then It’s Over” by Anne de Marcken, add to the puzzle of the post-post-postmodern novel.

Latest Story

  • A plan to save our oceans

    Open Forum     |      February 24, 2020

    Over a quarter of the Earth’s oceans need urgent conservation attention to preserve marine biodiversity, a University of Queensland-led international study has found.

  • A better future for our children

    Open Forum     |      February 23, 2020

    As climate and commercial threats intensify, a major new report calls for a new global movement to reduce CO2 emissions, achieve sustainable development, regulate commercial marketing and improve policy and investment for children’s rights and health.

  • Holden on to history

    Alistair Thomson     |      February 23, 2020

    Like a beloved relative who dies after a long illness, Holden’s decision to leave Australia wasn’t surprising – but it is a cause for sadness, and an opportunity to look back on what’s been lost.

  • Australia’s long history of Asian engagement

    Tim Harcourt     |      February 23, 2020

    The need to engage with Asia has been a major issue of 21st century Australian politics, but the roots of this debate go much deeper into Australia’s past and have been shaped by a succession of prime ministers from all parties.

  • Arvanitakis on American politics: Can the Democrats win?

    James Arvanitakis     |      February 22, 2020

    The turbulent Democrat primary process has revealed a party at war with itself over its own identity. The winner – whoever it may be – will face a tough struggle to unite the party for the battle that counts against Donald Trump this November.

  • Fighting weight gain after breast cancer

    Carolyn Ee     |      February 22, 2020

    Cancer often causes sharp declines in weight, but after a diagnosis of breast cancer, weight gain in some women can cause further problems over time.

  • Elite private boys schools in crisis

    George Variyan     |      February 22, 2020

    The crisis facing St. Kevin’s College should prompt a public rethink over the culture of private school education, and its wider social consequences.

  • Australian housing needs a shake-up

    Hal Pawson     |      February 21, 2020

    Millions of Australians are struggling with unaffordable housing. It’s a systemic problem that’s been decades in the making, and only concerted system-wide reforms will fix it.

  • Should central banks tackle climate change?

    Dawn Lo     |      February 21, 2020

    A UNSW expert on global finance says climate change could result in substantial economic loss if central banks don’t take action.

  • If you fail to prepare, then prepare to fail

    Stephan Fruhling     |      February 21, 2020

    Australia must invest in a range of industrial, logistical and military capabilities to improve its war fighting capability and deter Chinese aggression.

  • Saving liberal democracy

    Bryden Spurling     |      February 20, 2020

    Technological advances, the challenge of China and climate change are all posing a threat to liberal nations, but a reinvigoration of democratic values can meet these challenges tomorrow, just as great threats were overcome in the past.

  • Scooting past the road rules?

    Elaine Stratford     |      February 20, 2020

    Are debates about e-scooters too narrow? Perhaps it is time to focus more on revitalising urban spaces and retrofitting road infrastructure than forcing them to fit into outdated legislation.